
Candidate Profile

Candidate Rating System​

Employers can rate candidates based on various criteria, including skills, experience, and cultural fit. Ratings help employers filter out candidates who don’t meet the required benchmarks.

Rate the candidate’s past work experience, including how closely it aligns with the role’s requirements

Score both hard and soft skills, such as technical abilities, problem-solving, communication, and leadership qualities.

Evaluate traits like adaptability, attitude, and interpersonal skills, especially if cultural fit is a priority for the organization.

Automated Video Interviews

Employers can set up video interview questions, allowing candidates to respond at their convenience. The platform records their answers for the employer to review later.

Employers have the option to choose from a set of predefined video interview questions or create their own custom questions tailored to the specific role or company culture. Predefined questions provide a consistent baseline for comparison across multiple candidates, while custom questions allow for deeper insights into job-specific skills or personality traits.

Automated video interviews allow candidates to record responses on their own time, providing a flexible option for those who may have time zone differences, busy schedules, or other commitments. This convenience can lead to a better candidate experience and increased completion rates.

The platform offers a user-friendly interface for employers to review recorded interviews, take notes, and score candidates based on predefined criteria. Employers can watch videos on their schedule, compare responses side by side, and track candidate performance efficiently.

Employers can easily share video interviews with team members or hiring managers, allowing for collaborative decision-making. Multiple reviewers can leave comments or scores, helping ensure a balanced and well-rounded evaluation process.

Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast

Candidate Social Media Profiles​

Provide employers with the ability to view candidate social media profiles, allowing them to get a better sense of the candidate’s professional image and personal interests

Automated scraping of LinkedIn, GitHub, and other relevant profiles.

Option for candidates to link or unlink their profiles.

Insight into candidates’ contributions to industry discussions or projects.

View Candidate Locations & Target by Radius

Assess where candidates are located and focus your hiring efforts within specific geographic areas